Reflecting on Building Relationships
“Human relationships, and the effects of relationships on relationships, are the building blocks of healthy development” (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000, p. 4).

•Explain why relationships/partnerships are important to you (If you would like, upload a photo or photos of people* who are important to you)
I believe that relationships are hard to create and maintain but once they are created and becomes a healthy and positive one they will last a life time if the trust is not broken.
Relationship and partnerships are important to me because I am a person who enjoys good friendships and closeness with people in general. I believe that when you have a good relationship or partnership with someone you trust and care about it makes a big difference in your life especially when you both have the same morals, beliefs and goals for life. I have been married twice and feel that those are the hardest relationships and partnerships to maintain once they develop. I feel that if the relationship is maintained with love, trust, commitment and integrity it will last a lifetime. My first marriage ended after about seven years because of commitment to our future goals. The second is pending because of trust; I am hoping it can be worked out because it has been 23 years of love and total commitment. I do have a great relationship and business partnership with my first husband and feel we are better with each other in this manner. I have a great partnership with my second but our relationship has been tested due to trust and total commitment.
I am a very committed person and believe in being honest and trustworthy therefore all of my relationships must have those characters in for it to last.
•Identify several people with whom you currently have positive relationships and/or partnerships
The most important people in my life are my mother, children and siblings who I will protect for the rest of my life. My mother and I have a great relationship but we don’t have the best communication because of her hearing and speech impairment, but I love and adore my mother very much. My children are very special to me and I have great relationships with them, we share everything as a family, even though we disagree at times we still love and respect each other. I feel it is easy to have relationship to have relationships with boys because the really don’t come with the emotional baggage as girls do. My siblings are my best friend and we have built great relationships over time and we are great partners in how we raise our family and continue family traditions. My grandson is my ultimate person, we have created such a bond at such a tender age and I adore him and he me. My only sister-in-law has been my rock for almost 40 years and we have a great relationship that has continued over the years.
•Describe the ways in which each relationship is positive and factors that contributed to developing and maintaining each relationship.
The relationships I have with my family are positive because we trust , love and respect each other and are committed to ensuring our family’s culture, beliefs and morals are passed on to our children and future generation. These relationship have been developed and maintained over many years and have seen its share of hard feeling but because of the bond we have built and maintained with each other small or big issues are not given the opportunity to disrupt the relationship. I believe that family relationship is a different from a marriage or business relationship because even though trust is the core of the relationship, good partnerships are most effective. Commitment and integrity are crucial in every relationship to keep it positive and long lasting.
The bond and relationship with my grandson I believe is more of a caregiver attachment because I have been the primary person besides his parents that he has been exposed to and care for his basic needs. But I do feel the love radiating from him in how he reacts to me. I have cared for him for the last nine months and we have definitely bonded.
•Describe insights regarding challenges to developing and maintaining relationships that you have learned from your experience over time.
The insights I have gained about challenges in developing and maintaining relationships are that I have learned from my experience is learning to trust people and they trust me in return. Being able to control how I interact and respond to people and knowing when to step back and give them space. I also feel that integrity, commitment and compassion are important in how the relationships are maintained.
•What do you see as special characteristics of these relationships that make some, if any, partnerships?
Special characteristics of relationships that make some a partnership.
 Love – Love is without limits, conditions, judgments, and hidden agendas.
 Trust – Being able to trust another person
 Compassion – Being compassionate about others feelings
 Integrity – Integrity is honoring the needs of the healthiest parts of your personality.
 Commitment- Commitment is the foundation of spiritual growth.
•How might your experiences with relationships/partnerships, including your ability to be an active, reflective contributor, impact your work as an effective early childhood professional?
I believe I can use my experience with relationships /partnerships with my family to utilize in in my work as an early childhood professional. I believe that I have all the basic characteristics of relationships that will contribute to being an effective professional. I will be able to form relationships with families and partnerships with organizations that can contribute to the wellbeing of the children I serve. One issue for me would be to openly trust others until I have built a strong relationship or partnership with them. As an early childhood professional I feel that I am very compassionate and will always do my best to understand what others are dealing with. I am very committed to helping families get the highest quality of early childhood education for their children because I believe that early care is very important for the future of each child’s development and educational future.